Upholstered armchair for meeting rooms or waiting areas. The integrated structure of the seat, backrest and armrests ensures optimal comfort in any context. Its shape enhances the coverings, suggesting colour combinations in matching shades or using different fabrics.
The three base options – wood, steel wire and 4-wheel aluminium base, make this chair ideal to meet different aesthetic needs and functions

Informacije o proizvodu

Pošalji upit za troškovničku stavku

    Tehnički opis proizvoda (troškovnička stavka) dostupan je na zahtjev.
    Molimo da popunite i pošaljete upit ili nas kontaktirate na bilo koji način.
    Tehnički opis proizvoda i / ili troškovničku stavku šaljemo na mail adresu u roku 3 radna dana.

    Pošalji upit

      Molimo ispunite formular i pošaljite nam upit. Odgovorit ćemo vam u najkraćem mogućem roku, a najviše u roku od dva radna dana.

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